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/********************** ExPop 1.0.1 On-Page Exit Popup Controller (c) Copyright 2007-8 Gecko Tribe, LLC All Rights Reserved by Antone Roundy *** THIS IS NOT FREE SOFTWARE *** Unauthorized copying and creating derivative code based on parts of this code are forbidden by copyright law. If you're going to use this script or any part of it, please do so legally and honestly by buying a copy at: http://www.geckotribe.com/expop/ Resale of this script or derivative code is prohibited unless resale rights have been purchased from the copyright owner. (Resale rights may not be available for purchase at this time). Thank you. Your honesty makes it possible for me to take time from other work to create and support scripts like this. **********************/ var exPopLimX=180; var exPopLimY=60; var exPopInLim=50; var exPopPopId='pop'; var exPopDimId='popdim'; var exPopMaxDisplays=4; var exPopCheckScroll=2; var exPopSkips=3; /*********************/ var exPopWentIn=0; var exPopped=0; var exPopTimesShown=0; var exPopSinceLast=-1; var exPopX, exPopY,exPopDim,exPopPop; var exPopTop=-1; var exPopBrowser=-1; var exPopDE=false; var exPopIEMac=(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mac_")>-1)&&(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE")>-1); function exPopPopIt(checkSkips) { var scrolled; var popIt=1; if (!exPopped) { if (checkSkips) { if ((exPopSinceLast==exPopSkips)||(exPopSinceLast==-1)) exPopSinceLast=0; else { exPopSinceLast++; exPopWentIn=0; popIt=0; } } if (popIt&&((!exPopMaxDisplays)||(exPopTimesShown<(X*2-(exPopY*X/Y))))?ifMatch:(1-ifMatch); } function exPopMonitor(e) { var myE; if (!exPopped) { if (e) myE=e; else if (window.event) myE=window.event; else myE=null; if (myE) { if (exPopBrowser==-1) exPopBrowser=(typeof(myE.pageX)=='number'); if (exPopBrowser&&(/select|option|optiongroup/i.test(myE.target.tagName))) return true; if (exPopWentIn) { exPopGetPos(myE,exPopCheckScroll); if (exPopCheck(1,exPopLimX,exPopLimY)) exPopPopIt((exPopCheckScroll==2)?0:exPopSkips); else if (exPopCheckScroll==2) { exPopGetPos(myE,0); if (exPopCheck(1,exPopLimX,exPopLimY)) exPopPopIt(exPopSkips); } } else { exPopGetPos(myE,0); if (exPopCheck(0,exPopLimX+exPopInLim,exPopLimY+exPopInLim)) exPopWentIn=1; } } } return true; } function exPopInit() { if (typeof(window.innerWidth)=='number') exPopDE=window; else if (document.documentElement && (typeof(document.documentElement.clientWidth)=='number') && (document.documentElement.clientWidth!=0)) exPopDE=document.documentElement; else if (document.body && typeof(document.body.clientWidth=='number')) exPopDE=document.body; if (exPopDE) { if (document.addEventListener) document.addEventListener('mousemove',exPopMonitor,true); else { if (typeof(document.all)=='undefined') document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE); document.onmousemove=exPopMonitor; } } exPopPop=document.getElementById(exPopPopId); exPopDim=document.getElementById(exPopDimId); } if (document.addEventListener) { if (/webkit|safari|khtml/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { function exPopKHTMLInit() { /loaded|complete/.test(document.readyState)?exPopInit():setTimeout(exPopKHTMLInit,100); } exPopKHTMLInit(); } else document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", exPopInit, false); } else if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent('onload',exPopInit); else { function exPopWinOnLoad(f1,f2) { return function() { if (f1) f1(); f2(); } } window.onload=exPopWinOnLoad(window.onload,exPopInit); }